Our Story


We are a family who has come to know and love northern Minnesota. A Scandinavian musician and carpenter married a forensic psychologist and psychic… together they creatively make the world a more interesting place. This is our photography studio and family business.

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Family moments are often never captured, planned, posed… but why not use everyday inspiration as a moment for pause. Let us capture them for all to share.


Five years ago, my family and I were living in the bustling city of Minneapolis, Minnesota. I was working towards my doctorate and studying law enforcement while my husband discovered his newfound talent for woodworking. Our two little boys were struggling in the city, our dog yearned for more grass to roam and play, and we all craved a deeper sense of connection and purpose. That's when we decided to follow our hearts and move to my husband's childhood hometown in northern Minnesota, where we could build a home of our own.

Although northern Minnesota isn't known for its violent crime or haunted locations, I was left wondering how I could contribute to my family and community while still pursuing my passions. It wasn't easy to transform our dreams and expectations, but the welcoming and inspiring community of the Brainerd Lakes Area, with its soft breezes, lake traditions, and support, helped us find the strength to make a positive change and reignite our childhood dreams of making the world a more artistic place.